by jahna bird
love as a butch
who makes everything
In the final act of Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, the titular character kills the two men who perpetrated the rape and mutilation of his daughter.
R – robot, n
: a machine that resembles a living creature in being capable of moving independently (as by walking or rolling on wheels) and performing complex actions (such as grasping and moving objects)
If you want to feel beyond human capability. Sink your teeth in. Tear at the flesh of another. Let the blood mix with the salt water. Find the liver.
n another week the rain will sweep our bones together and
we will be some vast and bloated thing
So, to love a robot is to love yourself.
I stayed while they stuffed me like their taxidermied doll.
ThriftyCat is more than just a thrift store—it’s a testament to resilience, community, and the power of accessible fashion.
I am privileged to love you, I am privileged to hold you, I am privileged to have my fingers interlocked so tightly with yours
In my time of self discovery I have managed to abandon myself.
When I was fifteen, I fell in love with a girl.
June drew by, warm days I ran through like the backfields. When the cicadas started to sing, school […]
I have a choice: I can let it rot, or I can face it.
This is me facing it.
Careful, don’t slip on it.
Don’t look too close.
Don’t fall in.
it always happens this way. i focus on the darkness behind my closed eyes and will them to […]
It will be four years later. You will be walking down a tree-lined street after a day of classes, dappled sunlight shining softly through a layer of swaying branches, all lilting and turning and twisting in the breeze. There’s a good chance you will be deeply content, breathing in a lungful of fall air that has just begun to turn. You may cross paths with a smiling stranger on the sidewalk, nod at her, and as she passes, catch the end trail of her perfume. The same warm perfume that the really cute girl in your sophomore-year science class always wore.
I’m a computer, comprised of a series of zeroes and ones that code for the woman I am. […]