“Maomao, don’t be such a Màoshīguǐ.” My mother said. Màoshīguǐ is Mandarin for “Daredevil”, a reckless person who […]
Category Archive: Toronto
Looking back at when I was at the age of 13 years old, I was the type of […]
i have always been the second choice. my daddy would choose cigarettes and anger over his little girl […]
For as long as there have been celebrities, people have formed intense attachments to them and their lives.
Yellow was my favourite colour. I splashed my bedroom walls with it, despite my parents’ best protests. I […]
I hate kids. I hope I never have kids. My hatred for children is so intense that only a few months ago, I was voted as “most likely to name their child Gilgamesh out of spite.” However, my distaste for children goes further than my dislike for their blameless stupidity and high maintenance. I pity them for merely existing. I pity us all for existing – for never having chosen to be born.