This morning, the tree in my backyard fell over, crushing my neighbour’s garage and blocking our laneway.
Category Archive: Toronto
I dream of disaster in the back of my mind.
photography by andrew anthonio on the invisible string theory…
How do you hold on to your idea of luck when you see others get it handed to them?
By Cooper DaeberickEdited by Alloe Mak God, the all knowing, wanted to settle a betBut unfortunately, my fortune […]
“You want me to try? I can’t try for something I don’t believe in. It is this kind of Western world that has ruined you. You are so pretty, baobei, smart, too. You’re just sick. If I raised you in China, this wouldn’t have happened to you,”
One studded belt and several low slung pairs of jeans later, I still owe the man I am today to a handful of guys in rock bands.
if my mama doesn’t love me, will i still get into heaven?will you touch me on the cheek, […]
Feet cold, pressed on the linoleum floor.
She feels it all around her,
But not in her.
Not yet.
I picture this: two hands
meet in the darkness, and for a moment, real love existed like
no other had before.
Hospitals, churches, schools, and mosques, all in ruins. There is no sanctuary in the holy land.
I am an outsider to my own culture. I am a banana.
Special thanks to Taylor Lipson—a conversation with whom inspired this piece.
Dear university administrations in Toronto and beyond:
The downfall of my last relationship followed a similar pattern.
“For someone so quiet, you seem to have a lot to say.”
When a chicken is butchered its body still moves.
No me gusta cuando no puedo comunicarme.