an assortment of artworks submitted by our community

Gertie Genovese (@its.gertie) – pink matter

Serena Yip (@yshhhoi_) – Against Fate, Against Nature
Ice sculptures capturing the moment of death of Frankenstein and the creature: to fight for power against the authority of nature and to be consumed by its overwhelming lure.

Serena Yip (@yshhhoi_) – Womb
Womb: The varying temperatures of femininity depicted by the intimacy of printmaking.

Yukki Jiang (@yukki_.j) – Not Bad
My cardboard piece “Not Bad” presents the irony of yearning for futile satisfaction, yet relying on it simultaneously. The star motif, which is splattered all across the surface recalls the gold stars my elementary school teachers used to give out to students who behaved exceptionally. These stars quickly became my source of self-confidence, as I would rely on the validation of others to judge myself. I chose to paint this piece on a Heineken box, because just like alcohol, these validations alone, though giving a kick of confidence at first, will ultimately result in nothingness; unable to fulfill what you truly lack. No amount of alcohol can make one truly happy. Likewise, no amount of gold stars can make me truly feel validated. One often says “not bad” when regarding something mediocre, which quickly became a phrase I despised, as I hated feeling just good enough not to be “bad”, but not good enough to be “good”.

Yukki Jiang (@yukki_.j) – A Day in the Life of the Heroine
A Day in the Life of the Heroine explores the futile consumeristic culture of makeup- an ode to the Superflat Art movement. ‘The Heroine’ is a satirical motif based on a popular Japanese makeup brand and their ‘mascot’ Elizabeth Himeko; a blonde woman with exaggerated eyes. Their slogan says “Have the Eyes of a Heroine!” which presents an irony in itself, since no matter how much mascara one uses, one can never have the eyes of Elizabeth Himeko. This piece also explores the Western influence on Asian beauty standards; having pale skin and big eyes. The comic features a beauty influencer getting ready on YouTube, as she gradually covers up her skin, distorting her features until she becomes the Heroine.
Daksh Badwal (@dakshphoto) – Various Works

Amaya Senett (@1803.ld) – At The Alter

Maggie Wilson (@maggiew_art)

Ruby Ishola
I like to create a colorful and expressive representation of what my identity is and how I’m navigating through it. I’m a young Nigerian girl and I feel the experiences of me and others like me have been eclipsed in the art world, I just enjoy showing it in the only way I know how.

Taylor Franks (@taylor.frankks) – The Contrasting Confusion
My series commenced around the question of what is femininity versus masculinity? I found that my answer was quite loaded and confusing for myself to identify with. I think female and male are a different language that doesn’t consist of fluidity, growth or movement unlike femininity and masculinity. Therefor, for the artistic element of the pieces I have placed a girl in masculine environments. She finds herself interested in these stereotypical masculine activities as well she embodies a masculine energy meanwhile identify as female. The central character has an obsession with the stereotypical version of femininity but feels she doesn’t fit into it.

Justin Gray (@justinacgray)
History repeats again but the present is cheap and inauthentic. No two moments are the same but everything is connected. Don’t let it overwhelm you, it looks ugly.

Josh Escayg (@c0natu5) – Sagging Paths

David Hainaut
I sample other people’s music to produce my own tracks. So why not use other people’s pictures to create my collages?