A delicate romance between two teenage lovers, crafted in the quiet countryside of 1980’s USA. The lovers embark on a road trip to unbury their past and determine their future. Nights are spent in cottages, carnivals, and cars. They share clothing, food, a blue pickup truck, a sick desperation for a sense of belonging, and an occasional tendency to eat people. 

Slashers are the backbone of the horror genre – Scream, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, Final Destination – they are all well-known and infamous examples. Admittedly, I might have watched them to be contrarian—to say “I love watching things that are gross and gory because I’m special!” But above all, I do genuinely find slashers interesting to watch; some of them have horrible special effects, they all have tropes, and the old ones are glaringly misogynistic.