At Least I’m a Sailor

Can Buyukkalkan, 2019

Writer: Noah Skinner
Editors: Ellena Lu and Alloe Mak

On my first day, I could do nothing but puke.
I never wanted this job,
but I do want to feed my family,
so I must brave the seas.

Waves pound the ship from all sides,
I fear I may have lost myself.
But I fear more how my family will fare without me,
so I must brave the seas.

Each day is tougher than the last,
the rations here are thin,
camaraderie even thinner,
but I must brave the seas.

Loneliness tarnishes my every thought, word, and deed.
The knot in my stomach knows we won’t make this trip,
the sea’s been too calm and the sun hasn’t shone,
but I must brave the seas.

Time has slowed to a crawl.
I see the full expanse of time laid out before me,
The same day replays over and over and over.
Maybe I ought to go overboard,
for now I’ll brave the seas.

I wake another day to go through the motions.
I don’t want to brave the seas anymore.

Today I wake to see blue seas.
Perhaps I can scrub the deck,
perhaps I will clean the keel,
perhaps I will hoist the anchor, raise the mast, clean my quarters, cook for the crew;
perhaps I do not loathe the seas.

I do all of that and I’m still not enough for the crew?
They bitch that I don’t do as asked, but was my labour not enough?
Does it matter what I do? Everytime I try I miss the mark.
I’m not cut out for the seas.

The crew taunt me relentlessly,
I can hear their stomps above my quarters and their jeers while I work.
They swear they haven’t been near me but I know they are out to get me.
They all belong at the bottom of the seas.

The crew forgave me, which is bittersweet.
Their understanding hurts all the greater
when I can never live up to it.
Will I survive in rougher seas?

The climate is tough enough alone,
tougher still when you can’t eat, sleep,
remember where you are, or speak cohesively.
I’m trying to brave the seas.

Today I made a new friend,
round and glass and full of fire.
She doesn’t make me feel good,
but she’s nicer than the seas.

I’ve been spending too much time with her,
we meet lips in the morning and I’m entranced all day.
My secret lover hurts me,
yet we dance upon the seas.

Perhaps you can love too hard,
we had a couple’s row.
The crew waited for me to wake,
as I almost drowned in her seas.

I think about my trials to date
and wonder if it can get much worse.
Sailing is not easy,
yet I’ve sailed so many seas.

My lover gone, my shadows grown,
my wave be high, my wave be low,
I contemplate the fight ahead,
I’ve fought it off before and so,
I know I’ll brave the seas.